Why i-Prop
We aim to build software that works for you, empowering your business at an affordable price.
Built on the cloud, PropertyKeeper streamlines the communication and workflow between rental stakeholders; the agent, landlord, tenant and contractor.
Easily and securely accessing property information via your mobile phone gaining a complete 360 degree view of your managed rental portfolio.
Salient Features
Know your tenant
- Tenant profile
- Repair self-service
- Schedule works
- Feedback on works carried out
- Rent payment gateway
- e-mail & message communication
- Tenancy scorecard
Know your landlord
- Landlord profile
- Schedule Works
- Track and confirm repairs
- Feedback on works carried out
- Bill payment gateway
- Landlord scorecard

Auto workflow & alert
- Repair notification
- Schedule notification
- Assignment notification
- Service to payment notification
Know your property
- Repair & building work audit trail
- Rental payment and void audit trail
- Property scorecard
Know your contractor
- Automatic or manual assignment
- Bill generation for works carried out
- Contractor Scorecard

Application overview
A secure, central respository maintaining your rental portfolio and related tenancy, landloard and contractor information.
Schedule or enable tenant self service property repairs. All managed within automated workflows which update stakeholders via notifications, ensuring building works can be efficiently assigned, monitored and managed.
Alerts & messaging
Leverage the notification features of your phone by receiving application alerts, emails or text messages on works being scheduled, due to be carried out or confirmation of being completed.
Maintenance lifecycle
Property repair self service, scheduled repairs, manual or automated assignment of contractors to carry out works, contractor invoicing and bill payment.
Profile management
Securely maintian your property portfolio and key stakeholder information (branch, landlord, tenant and contractor). Upload, index and search on importeant deocuments and fiels in multiple formates; word, excel, pdf, images, videos and sound.
Ratings and loyalty reward scheme
Knowing more about your tenant, contractor and landlord gives you a greater insight into how your properties are being maintained, the quality of service being provided and who your best performing clients and service partners are PropertyKeeper flexible scorecards build a rating for each stakeholder based on their key performance indicators(KPI), for a contractor this might include the time to respond to a repair, time to fix a repair and associated cost of the repair which combined together would generate the contractors performance scorecard.
Introduced tenancy scorecards can be linked to PropertyKeeper tailored loyalty reward scheme, high tenancy scorecards receiving lower rental deposit, reduced agency fees or restaurant vouchers.